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5 Major Benefits of Switching to Concierge Medicine

5 Major Benefits of Switching to Concierge Medicine

Are you tired of waiting for what seems like hours to see your doctor? Perhaps you’ve been frustrated by not being able to get an appointment as soon as you need it. Sadly, it’s not uncommon to wait months for a doctor’s appointment, wait hours in the waiting room, and only see your doctor for a few minutes.

If you want to improve your healthcare experience, Dr. Jeff Toll provides concierge medicine from his practice in Los Angeles, California. Jeff Toll, MD, offers accessibility, convenience, and personalized attention to your health concerns. 

Following are several important benefits of switching to concierge medicine. 

1. In-depth annual exams

Physical exams, blood tests and imaging as well as setting up healthy habits, are the best way to ensure your health. Sometimes, diseases show no early warning signs on routine tests, and are only discovered by more comprehensive preventative testing and your doctor taking the time to ask the right questions.  Early treatment can save your life when a problem is caught before it becomes acute. 

Dr. Toll takes a personal interest in your health and well-being. At each appointment, he reviews your health record, and discusses your case with any specialists involved, before speaking with you so he can ask the right questions and monitor any current conditions. 

Your physical exam is personalized to your health history and concerns. Our team offers a range of tests and screenings based on your health and medical history. After your exam, Dr. Toll reviews your results with you and creates a customized wellness plan suited to your needs.

2. More time with your doctor 

The American Association for Physician Leadership says the actual average patient load per physician is almost 3,000 when an average manageable load would be around 1,000.  At Jeff Toll MD, we only have about 200 members.  No wonder so many doctor appointments are rushed! 

With such a small panel, Dr Toll also limits the number of patients he sees in a day. We see no more than two patients per hour so you have enough time to discuss your concerns with him and appointments start on time. 

At Jeff Toll, MD, you won’t spend your valuable time making you wait to see Dr. Toll. You’ll be seen promptly. We respect your time so you can proceed as planned with the rest of your day. 

3. You can get an appointment when you need one 

Have you been frustrated by trying to schedule an appointment only to be told it will be several days before the doctor can see you? Our concierge practice ensures you have access to same-day and next-day appointments. 

In addition, we give you a private number that our care coordinators answer so you don’t have to wait hours or days for your doctor to get back to you when you call with a concern. You also have access to Dr. Toll after hours and on weekends for more urgent concerns. 

4. Preventative care and working on health habits. 

Rather than just react to sicknesses, or prescribe medications once someone has a full blown problem, Dr Toll works to use diet, exercise, stress reduction, and sleep habits as a way to prevent and reverse chronic conditions. 

Furthermore Dr Toll does much more extensive testing on blood tests including metabolic labs,  hormones, and vitamins, as well as more cancer prevention, genetic testing, and other studies that would not be available in a traditional practice. 

5. Convenience when traveling 

No matter where you are, if you get sick or injured when traveling, you can reach out to Dr. Toll via phone or video chat. If you need to see a doctor in person, we recommend concierge physicians at your location. 

Say goodbye to the frustrations of traditional doctor’s appointments and switch to concierge medicine. Call our office or request an appointment today.

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