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What Does Care Coordination Actually Mean?

A primary care doctor is someone you see regularly for most of your health care needs. However, you may need to see a specialist, physical therapist, or other doctor for specific needs that your primary care doctor can’t address.

Care coordination is a specialty that Dr. Jeff Toll offers at his practice in Los Angeles, California. Dr. Toll is an internal medicine specialist who provides home care management, concierge medicine, and telemedicine as part of his exclusive membership program.

How does care coordination work?

Care coordination is essential to the health care that many primary care and internal medicine doctors offer. It involves communicating among providers to connect every aspect of health care.

It's a crucial process in health care that allows providers to communicate about their care and organize it for optimal patient benefit. With your consent, we share information among other specialists and providers using electronic health records to give each patient customized care.

Dr. Toll takes care coordination to the next level by being your advocate and creating personalized care plans to guide your needs. We refer you to specialists when needed and coordinate communication among providers.

We also provide medication management, diagnostic testing, and follow-up care for optimal health and wellness. Our membership program provides access to our team 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Goals of care coordination

Care coordination aims to improve communication among health care providers to ensure you get the best care. Communication among providers takes the guesswork out of your care to provide the best possible outcomes.

We strive to meet all the goals of care coordination at our practice, and these goals include the following:

Ultimately, the main goal of care coordination is to enhance every patient’s health care experience. It aims to provide everything a patient needs to stay healthy across various medical specialties.

Benefits of care coordination

Dr. Toll offers care coordination at his practice because of its many benefits to each patient. Some of the significant advantages of care coordination include:

Continuity of care

Continuity of care is a vital aspect of care coordination. It involves ensuring your health care stays consistent from provider to provider and over different treatment settings. It’s consistent management of your health care diagnosis, treatment, and preventive measures throughout your life.

Stress management

Seeing different providers for various health issues is often stressful and time-consuming. Care coordination takes the stress out of your care and ultimately saves time by managing your needs and communicating among providers.

Improved health outcomes

Improving your health and wellness is one of the significant goals and benefits of care coordination. Taking the guesswork out of your care allows us to improve your health outcomes and give you a better and healthier lifestyle.

Communication among providers

Without care coordination, you have to manage the communication aspect of your health care. Instead, we make each appointment seamless by gathering all the information we need from other settings or providers.

The outcome is better overall care and treatments because of enhanced communication among members of your treatment team.

Call, text, or message our Los Angeles office today to speak to Dr. Toll about care coordination or request a consultation on our website.

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